Friday, September 17, 2010

The Year of Tamsin

Today was the first day of the Year of Tamsin!
Every Friday this year, to celebrate a little mom-freedom now that Jack has started all-day school (big Grade One, baby!), I am going to do whatever I want!!! No errands, no housework, only the things that I want to do!

What that meant today was crawling back in bed after taking the kids to school, reading a book and watching Regis and Kelly for an hour. Then I went to Kim's for a muffin and a cup of tea. Then I came home and vegged out, surfing the internet for nothing in particular. Then I went for a run with some moms from school as a grand finale for the first day in the Year of Tamsin.

All in all, it was a good day, but I am planning some more exciting days for this year! I have a few partners in crime lined up and we will have some fun - at least between 8:35 am and 2:35 pm!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You Go Girl! Sounds Lovely...goodness knows you've earned a smidgeon of a break!