Sorry, I was sidetracked for a minute doing a little happy dance. Wish you could have seen it... naw, I’m glad you didn’t. Any last shred of respect you may have for me would have disappeared.
Well, we still have a ton of things to squeeze in, but that doesn’t mean we’ve been idle for these first two weeks of August. Silly fools that we are, we have been jam packed:
Aug 1st: Bowling with the boys. And Mamma Mia for me in the evening.
Aug 2nd: Day at Granville Island with our guys, Briana, Rob, Liam & Kieran, Jen, Laurence & Hannah then dinner at my M&D’s.
Aug 3rd: Played Wii with Barry in the morning, then went to the Sandcastle competition at the Spirit of the Sea festival in White Rock.
Aug 4th: BC Day – decided to run errands, forgetting that places like Costco close on holidays. Came home and rode bikes instead.
Aug 5th: Played pirates and Pokemon all day. Tired us out:
Aug 6th: Worked.
Aug 7th: To my friend Linda’s on one of the hottest days of the year, where we picked blackberries and all the kids organized and ran relay races like they were competing in the Olympics themselves. Swim lessons in the evening.
Aug 8th: Abbotsford Air Show all day, then watched the Olympics Opening Ceremony in the evening. There began my Olympic TV obsession for 2008. Next Olympics I’ll be too busy to watch any events on TV, and hopefully I’ll be at some of them!
Aug 9th: Took the ferry over to Sooke on our camping trip. Waited out a rain squall to erect the tent. The boys jumped on the trampoline in swim shorts and rain jackets. Went to bed and froze throughout the night.
Aug 10th: The day dawned beautifully sunny. We spent some time at the beach, had a picnic, then swam off the dock in Sooke Basin. Ate a great BBQ dinner and then had s’mores.
Aug 11th: Another great Sooke day. Lots of Lego, Slip N Slide and Stomp Rockets.
Aug 12th: Laundry (like 18 loads) then to the Vancouver Zoo. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! And a hippo.
Aug 13th: Worked.
Aug 14th: Saw my parents in the morning, swam in Kim’s pool all afternoon, then the kids went to swimming lessons and I went and tried archery for the first time. I had a great time and won two donut holes and an apple for hitting the right targets!
Aug 15th: Saw Nancy and her kids, up from San Diego for a vacation. Spent the day at the lake with them!
Aug 16th: Spent the day at the other side of the lake with the Mintens, Kim and Gene. Then that night our neighbours set up a projector and screen so the kids could all watch a movie outdoors. Curious George was a big hit, but the kids didn’t go to bed until 11!
Aug 17th: The boys hung out with Mike while I had my Olympics interview and training. (It went well, I hope I’m in!) They went to Susan’s for dinner while I hit the Night Market with Carrie and Ivana for some Dim Sum and Bubble Tea and cheap shopping.
Aug 18th: Jack and Mike had their father-son Woodworking class where they made a wooden train while Ethan and I had some quality time building a treasure chest at home.
And today we’ve done nothing but bead. Those Perler bead crafts are still a huge hit around our house! We still hope to hit the waterslides, the PNE fair, the waterpark and lots more before September. Wish us luck!
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