Translation of this morning's Andorran conversation:
So Tamsin - can you drive me to Creekside?
Why sure!
Oh by the way here's your upgrade accreditation.
Meet you at the chairlift!
Um, ok!
Here's your seat in the VIP area. Here is your view for the day; is this going to be ok?

Would you mind videotaping our boys when they race?

Meanwhile, while I was hard at work :) Mike and the boys were celebrating Whistler.
TACK, Mike! Heja Sverige!
PS. Ethan is dearly missed by his buddy!
Nice View! I actually got to see one of the Andorrans ski on TV yesterday, I'm sure he couldn't hear me cheering, but I was! Love the one of Boys on Rings. Love that!
Love the photos and I'm so glad the boys are getting to experience all of the excitement!! We're going to take H dt this w/e. She's very excited anytime anyone from Canada is on screen and we've had to tell her to stop booing everyone else!
I think the Swedes should stick with building IKEA furniture!.....just watching 2 swedish hockey games in Mirabel....gotta rub it in....
What? They actually have hockey in Sweden? :-)
Awesome, Carrie, just awesome!!! Let's egg the Swedes on....
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