I was at the athlete's village all day today. It was a long day but a few interesting things happened. One thing I really noticed today was how many more athletes have arrived! It's real! It's real! It's almost here! Also, the media were allowed into the residential zone for 2 hours today, the only time that will happen until the games are over. So athletes and team officials were told that if they didn't want to be on camera, they should stay in their residences during that time. I, on the other hand, forgot they were here and emerged from the computer room to buy a Mars bar. Holy paparazzi, batman... they weren't taking pictures OF me, but I may be on the Bulgarian news tonight!!! Good thing I had ponytail hair and tired eyes. And I was scarfing a Mars bar, which is ALWAYS attractive. Truly a fantastic representation of Team 2010.
One thing I got accomplished today, through a series of roof-climbing endeavours, was to decorate the Andorran residence. Don't it look purty? I photo-shopped the address out, in case you are all terrorists (make that terrorists WITH accreditation to get inside the village), but after the games I'd be happy to show you where we all hung out.

I have to admit I was all pissy that they razed the cool kids playground behind MarketPlace in order to build the Medals Plaza. Then I realized that there were some new mysterious lumps where the playground used to be, all veiled in secrecy, but I still thought it might be part of the Medals Plaza. Tonight one of the lumps was uncovered! It's going to be a maybe-even-cooler playground!

And as a good night, since Carrie has exposed my "secret" blogging life, here's a shout out to the Peace Arch posse! Keep my boys safe and see you all soon! xo
We'll keep an eye out for you. If they only allowed the media back there once, I bet they'll probably been using that footage as Filler during the course of the Olympics. SOMEDAY...we'll come out, and you can give us the guided tour, see that house with the kids in the frontyard (that's what I see), That's where the Andorrans stayed! So Cool!
Outed you, huh? Call it exposure (in a good way!). We miss you terribly and we'll certainly look after the boys...yes, all three!
And I will take care of Carrie!
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