Oh, I am just SO sick of this view. Wouldn't you be?

It's just SO ugly here.

As you can see above, it was PRETTY hard to get out of bed this morning. But I had things to do. Canada House

had an open house today, so I went and had a cuppa with this guy:

Just your average ordinary everyday dude... who HAPPENED to light the cauldron in Whistler last night! Meet Tyler, a super sweet 17 year old Whistler kid who hopes to qualify for London in 2012. I got to hold his torch! (no, that's not a euphemism...)
Also, you may know these cuties:

I was strolling around enjoying some fresh air before going back to the arctic-temp cabin for my solitary TV and Dorito ritual when I got a call from the athlete's village. Could I help a couple of confused young Andorrans? Well, YES, I could! So I bolted home for my uniform and hustled to the athlete's village. I was able to fix their Internet connection, their phone passwords AND their front door to boot. I am officially a rock star. Today I met three new Andorrans - two Alpine skiers and one support staff. I didn't catch his position but they were all very nice (and forgiving of my French/Spanish butchery).
R, one of the alpine skiers, was worried about his skis. When he arrived at the athlete's village, he was assured they would take his skis directly to the ski locker at Creekside. However, he knew he would not sleep until he saw them, so they set off to find them. I spent some time tracking down flags, white board felts and electrical adaptors, then had dinner (curry chicken, potatoes, corn, salad, and banana cake). At the dinner table I met some Spanish assistants, who were great. They offered me a ride into Whistler village and I got home not too late.
Up early tomorrow; meeting at 7:45 so off to bed I go! More tomorrow... Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone!
1 comment:
If you happened to come across some little stuffies of "Quatchi", my boys would love them. And I would pay you back!
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