Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December Days - 11

ARGH - I'm behind! I will catch us up...

December 11 was "Bake cookies". This was a good plan in that I scheduled this for a Saturday. Except - Mike and I ended up going to Seattle, as he was flying out of there for New York early on Sunday morning. We thought we'd do a little Christmas shopping on Saturday, stay near the airport and then I'd come home in time for hockey on Sunday. Great plan but it meant ditching the kids so secret shopping could occur! That also meant that Susan was surprised to find herself pestered to bake cookies because they HAD to; it was in the Advent Calendar!

The kids also forgot to tell her that we had cookie dough already in the freezer, so she stopped and picked up some Christmas sugar cookie pucks and they baked those. All in all, it worked out!!!

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